Research & Insights

MP3 policies were very successful in stimulating a rapid recovery from the pandemic. But this stimulation was applied for too long, resulting in persistent inflation and the need for central banks to slow the economy through aggressive tightening. Explore our research on the current challenges this new environment presents for investors.

Our Research Process

Throughout our history, Bridgewater has focused on building the best possible understanding of global economies and markets. These unique insights drive our innovative investment engine, deliver returns for our clients, and inform global economic policy.

On a mission to uncover timeless and universal investment principles, our unique meritocratic culture and cutting-edge technology allow us to systematize and compound our insights over time so that our collective understanding is greater than that of any individual.

As a global macro-investment manager, we take a diversified approach spanning more than 150 different markets. With deep expertise in portfolio construction and risk management, we develop insights and design strategies to deliver value to our clients through any economic environment.

Selected Insights from Our Research Library
March 10, 2025
For decades, America has consumed much more than it produces, financing persistent trade deficits with debt that foreign investors are happy to buy. President Trump is unwilling to accept this state of affairs. In a guest essay for the New York Times, co-CIO Karen Karniol-Tambour describes what this shift means for Europe’s economic and security paradigm, the changes that are needed, and the barriers to reform.
March 6, 2025
US equity investors have experienced an extraordinary run. Now the world is changing, with new variables at play, from the AI boom to Trump—presenting distinct opportunities and challenges. How can investors position to continue capturing great returns, given the wide range of ways the world could play out? This paper explores these questions and introduces Bridgewater’s All Weather® approach designed for investors seeking to reliably compound their wealth.
March 4, 2025
Hudson Attar, Alex Smith, Jim Haskel
Daily Observations editor Jim Haskel sits down with head of contra-currencies Hudson Attar and portfolio strategist Alex Smith to discuss the recent gold rally and the type of diversification gold can provide.
February 6, 2025
Daniel Yergin, Atul Lele, Jim Haskel
Energy expert Daniel Yergin sits down with Bridgewater senior portfolio strategist Atul Lele to discuss supply and demand dynamics across energy markets and their implications for investors.
January 30, 2025
Bob Prince, Shane Murphy
Co-CIO Bob Prince discusses the gradual drift of economic conditions toward equilibrium and whether this process has room to run.
January 6, 2025
Bob Prince, Greg Jensen, Karen Karniol-Tambour
With central banks on the verge of achieving their goals—supporting stability, profits, and asset prices—global political shifts risk upsetting the balance. Our CIOs describe these dynamics and what they mean for investors.
November 21, 2024
Larry Cofsky, Dan Dzombak, Kira Hobson
Following Trump’s victory, we assess the supply and demand picture for US debt, and what it means for yields going forward. To do so, it is important to look at the total debt in the economy—not just government debt.
November 12, 2024
Karen Karniol-Tambour
At the recent Yahoo Finance Invest conference, Co-CIO Karen Karniol-Tambour shared her thoughts on what’s next for growth and inflation, Fed policy, the impact of Trump’s policy agenda, and how we’re processing the flow-through to markets. See Important Disclosures and Other Information.  
October 16, 2024
Jas Sekhon
Where is AI today, and where is it going in the near future? In this video presentation, Bridgewater’s AIA Labs Chief Scientist Jas Sekhon provides a framework that can help answer those questions and resolve a key paradox that currently exists in the AI landscape.
October 3, 2024
Ray Dalio, Jim Haskel
Head of Client Service and BDO Editor Jim Haskel speaks with Bridgewater founder and CIO mentor Ray Dalio aboard his OceanXplorer ship in Singapore about the five big forces that shape history and markets and how they’re playing out today.
Featured Research
We are constantly monitoring present day events and drawing lessons from history to shape and refine our understanding for how markets and economies work. Explore a collection of our research on topics ranging from debt crises to sustainable investing.
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