Jim Haskel

Head of Client Service
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Jim joined Bridgewater in 2003 and currently serves as Head of Client Service after spending 18 years as a Senior Portfolio Strategist and continues to serve as Editor of the Bridgewater Daily Observations (where he pioneered the firm’s BDO podcasts which are now a regular staple of the BDO). He is a member of Bridgewater’s Operating Committee and Chairs its Commercial Committee. Jim is also a Partner at the firm and on the Partner’s Leadership Committee, which oversees the partnership. He has done so since 2018, when he was chosen as one of the firm’s six initial Seed Partners, tasked with building out all aspects of a Bridgewater partnership to help transition the firm from an iconic founder to its next phase as an institutional money management firm. He served on Bridgewater’s Operating Board of Directors from 2018 through 2024 as a Partner Director.

From 2001-2003, he was a Senior Investment Strategist to Goldman Sachs high net worth clients and helped oversee the creation of the Investment Strategy Group (ISG). From 1996-2001, Jim was an Emerging Markets Debt and Currency analyst and portfolio manager at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. From 1991 to 1994, Jim was Associate Economist at Caxton Associates, a macro hedge fund, as well as an Economics Researcher at the American Enterprise Institute, where he published numerous analytical pieces on international economic and financial topics in leading newspapers around the world. Jim received his MPP from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government in 1996, and a BA from Franklin and Marshall College in 1990. He currently serves as Chair of the Board at Berkshire School in Sheffield, MA, a grade 9-12 preparatory school he attended and graduated from in 1986. He and his wife Annie and their three children reside in Westport, CT.

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More from Jim Haskel
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Energy expert Daniel Yergin sits down with Bridgewater senior portfolio strategist Atul Lele to discuss supply and demand dynamics across energy markets and their implications for investors.
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In a moderated conversation, Rohit and Bob discuss how they each approach portfolio resilience at their respective organizations and the potential opportunities they see in markets today.
September 2024
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As part of the 30th anniversary of the relationship between Bridgewater and GIC, the entity that is responsible for managing Singapore’s international reserves, our two organizations have led a series of joint research projects to identify and assess the issues we think are most important for investors to grapple with in the years ahead. In this videocast, Head of Client Service and Editor of the BDO Jim Haskel discusses the takeaways of that work with Jeffrey Jaensubhakij, Group Chief Investment Officer of GIC; Liew Tzu Mi, Chief Investment Officer for Fixed Income & Multi Asset and Chair of the Sustainability Committee; and our own co-Chief Investment Officer Greg Jensen.
August 23, 2024
Ben Samild, Karen Karniol-Tambour, Atul Lele, Jim Haskel, Jake Davidson
The CIO of Australia’s sovereign wealth fund, managing $300 billion AUD, joins us for a conversation on their total portfolio approach and some of the most challenging questions facing investors.
February 22, 2024
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Daniel Yergin, Angela Stent, Greg Jensen, Atul Lele, Karen Karniol-Tambour, Jim Haskel
Daniel Yergin, one of the world’s leading experts on energy, and Angela Stent, one of the world’s leading experts on Russia, discuss the current state of the Russia-Ukraine war, how the war is reshaping the global energy map, and Russia’s role in an increasingly bipolar world.
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Richard Okello, Peter Orth, Jim Haskel
Bridgewater alums Richard Okello, co-founder of Sango Capital, and Peter Orth, co-founder of 4DX Ventures, discuss Africa's investment opportunities, its risks — and how they've changed, and its potential to provide valuable diversification.
May 17, 2022
Ray Dalio, Jeremy Grantham, Jim Haskel, Alex Shahidi
The founders of Bridgewater and GMO discuss the big risks they’re watching, including inflationary pressures, political conflict, asset bubbles, and climate change — and what investors can do to protect themselves.
July 8, 2021
Jim Haskel
Most investors are used to equities and bonds being negatively correlated and highly diversifying, but that relationship is unstable and may reverse, especially if easy fiscal and monetary policy flows through to higher-than-expected inflation. In this discussion, Bridgewater Daily Observations Editor Jim Haskel and Senior Portfolio Strategist Jeff Gardner explore the cause-and-effect dynamics at play.
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